Resolve Dropper Seat Post - Wolf Tooth Components, 2022

Photo Credits: Andrew Major,

Dropper seat posts are one of the most impactful technological developments seen in my lifetime in mountain bikes. For the uninitiated, a dropper seat post allows the rider to lower or raise their saddle height on-the-fly, typically controlled by a mechanical lever on the handlebar. Lowering saddle height drastically improves technical handling ability while descending or tackling rough terrain. However, a lowered saddle results in a loss of pedaling efficiency. Not too long ago, riders would regularly stop before a downhill section to manually drop their saddle, and later stop again to return the saddle to its original height. Dropper posts make the transition far more seamless.

Droppers are everywhere in the mountain bike world. While they have certainly come a long way since their early days, we felt the level of sophistication seen in the prevailing product offering was lagging, in an industry that demands far better. Many posts are non-serviceable - sealed cartridges are simply thrown away after a service life of only a few seasons. Serviceable posts are often much more expensive, overly complex, not serviceable by a home mechanic, and not more reliable in general use.

With the Resolve dropper, our primary goals were:

  • Address the functional issues endemic to the existing product offering

  • Tick all of the performance boxes - weight, external stack height, adjustability, cold-weather performance

  • Maintain our Right to Repair ethos - user serviceability, availability of spare parts, minimized use of uncommon or proprietary tools, simple approachable service procedures - all were made a priority

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